Articulate Storyline has a number of “survey” quiz questions including a Likert Scale button format:
These questions are treated like quiz questions and the responses the learner selects are sent to the LMS where they can be processed with the other quiz scores for that learner. But often, what is required is a ‘self-assessment’ survey tool where the learner gets their responses back immediately – plus you may need to do some analysis on the scores within the course itself (e.g. “If you scored less than 20 in this section you should click here……” )
A simple way to do this is to use the “Slider” facility within Storyline to construct your survey questions:
Not only does this give you a great deal of control over the formatting of the survey but also Storyline stores the learner’s response to each question in a variable e.g. “Slider1”, “Slider2” etc. and these can easily be used to do some basic analysis of the learner’s responses or tailor their learning experience depending on their answers. (If you are using xAPI then the results can also easily be sent to your LRS using the xAPI trigger).
This is all very straightforward – but the challenge is – How do you provide the results of the survey or assessment to the learner so they can download it.
This demonstration uses a JavaScript trigger to execute code that will create a downloadable pdf showing the learner’s responses:
As you can see, the JavaScript code calculates the date and outputs the learner’s responses in a graphical form. The best thing about this solution is that the survey results pdf is created from a pdf ‘form’ that can be modified – (as long as the field names remain the same) – without having to modify the JavaScript code – meaning the same code can be applied to any survey you wish to include with minimal effort!
To view the demonstration use the link below: