
In this section of the site we share some demonstrations of techniques we have used in our eLearning projects to increase the level of learner engagement or provide interactions used to improve the learning experience. 

Using JavaScript in Articulate Storyline

One big reason Profile Learning uses Articulate Storyline as its 'go to' product for eLearning module development is its ability to build and customize complex interactions and build exciting simulations. When Storyline can't quite cut it with its standard functionality (which is extensive) developers can always turn to JavaScript to build advanced routines that extend the capabilities of the core product. In order to show how this capability can be used we have developed a series of short demonstration modules each using the 'Execute JavaScript' trigger to achieve a particular interaction or effect

Creating a slider-based survey in Storyline with downloadable results

Articulate Storyline has a number of "survey" quiz questions including a Likert Scale button format: These questions are treated like quiz …

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Creating downloadable learner notes from within an eLearning Module

We are often asked if it is possible to allow learners to make notes during an eLearning module and then to be able to download …

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