Creating downloadable notes or a learning journal in a RISE course (using Storyline, JavaScript and local browser storage)

Current Status
Course ended

In an earlier workshop in this series, we addressed the challenge of creating downloadable notes which included the learner’s own input from a Storyline course. It is only natural that we should get asked if it is possible to do the same thing from a RISE course.

The answer is that you can – BUT it requires a bit of extra functionality. This workshop demonstrates exactly how to do this. Firstly, by adding Storyline blocks including some JavaScript to capture the learner’s input into the course and (in this version of the workshop) by using local browser storage to store that input until we are ready to use it in the course. The implications (plusses and minuses) of using local browser storage will be discussed later in the workshop.

To get a brief overview of  the workshop, click the screen below:

In this workshop, we will build on our earlier workshop “Creating downloadbale notes or a learning journal from an Artuculate Storyline course” and show what modifications you need to make to the JavaScript code used in that example and, step-by-step, eactly how you go about achieving the same result in RISE. We will assume that you have successfully completed this workshop before you tackle this content.

Good luck! And enjoy the workshop.